Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

Why I Would Always Pick Bernie Sanders Over Barack Obama

Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) is the first self-described democratic socialist elected to the U.S. Senate and someone who has praised European social democracy. Since democratic socialism (the German Democratic Republic comes to mind) has failed miserably and many European welfare states (like the reunified Germany) are slowly collapsing, I naturally cannot share his convictions.

Though Bernie Sanders could overpower Barack Obama any day of the week when it comes to left-wing politics, I would always pick him over the President. One might wonder why and frankly the answer is quite simple.

On Friday President Obama signed a 2-year extension of the Bush tax cuts for all Americans into law. In case you are wondering, this is the same extension he has been fighting for many years. Maybe the President suddenly realized that even under the Bush tax cuts the top 10 percent of income earners pay a whopping 71 percent of federal income tax or that many of those earning more than $250,000 per year are small business owners and therefore the main job creators in America. No matter why President Obama finally buckled on this important economic issue, this is a remarkable flip flop on a principle he has proclaimed for years.

While the occupant of the Oval Office seemingly woke up one morning and flushed his beliefs down the toilet, Bernie Sanders held an 8 1/2 hour old-school filibuster (see below) against the extension. The American people expect their President to be principled and passionate. So far, Barack Obama has not excelled in either discipline, which is why I would always pick Bernie Sanders over him.

Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2010

Man Up, Mr. Speaker!

Incoming Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) did it again! He did it over TARP, he did it when the GOP reclaimed the House and he did it last Sunday on 60 Minutes. What am I talking about? Crying, of course!
Do I think politicians should not cry? No! Do I hinkt John Boehner is doing it too often? Yes!

As of January 5 he will be 2nd in the line of succession to the Presidency and considering he is crying constantly and is also a heavy smoker (both arguably signs of weakness), the prospect of President Boehner is a bit worrisome to me...

Regardless of what you might think about Boehner, here is a review of politicians crying by MSNBC's always entertaining Rachel Maddow (her extremely liberal views notwithstanding):

Samstag, 18. Dezember 2010

Obama Is Being Sabotaged! Really?

Motivation Truth‘s Adrienne Ross is one of the rare African-American common-sense conservatives and naturally a supporter of Sarah Palin. It comes a no surprise that a black woman who does not subscribe to the magnificent Democratic Party’s agenda and on top of that even supports the most divisive person on the planet (which in the minds of most liberals is none other than the former Governor of Alaska) would be invited on a liberal talk show to present its viewers with the rare exception of a Black conservative voice, only to be attacked and demonized.

After watching the following excerpt of Sistah Talk, I feel incredibly sorry for Adrienne. She must face more head wind every day for her beliefs than I (a conservative in liberal Germany) have to put up with in a year!

But see for yourself:

Of the many narrow-minded and often flat-out wrong things uttered by the hosts and guests, one particularly stood out: Barack Obama is being sabotaged! Really? Let me tell you a secret: the 44th President of the United States of America is indeed being sabotaged but the saboteur is ironically himself.

Candidate Obama ran first and foremost on a platform of change and that was the main reason for his historic election (he would not have defeated Hillary Clinton otherwise). President Obama on the other hand seems to have forgotten all of that once he set foot in the Oval Office. On November 4, 2008 the American people gave Barack Obama the mandate to change Washington and to bring back bipartisanship and joint solutions. If he had actually done that, Democrats would still enjoy sizeable majorities in Congress and the President would be about to cruise to re-election in two years. Obviously, that has not happened and here is why: the mandate was to change Washington but not America (Obamacare comes to mind) and given a huge majority in the House and a filibuster-proof one in the Senate, President Obama, House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid took the noble intent of bi-partisanship and transformed it into bitter partisanship not seen in Washington for decades.

There you have it: the real reasons for Barack Obama’s and the Democrat’s predicament.